Kitų šalių SPTV agentūrų interneto svetainės

AAZ (Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care and Social Welfare)

AETS-ISCIII (The Instituto De Salud Carlos III) 

AIHTA (Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment)

AHTAPol ( Agency for Health Technology Assessment in Poland)

CADTH (The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health)

DIMDI (German Agency for HTA at the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information)

HAS (French National Authority for Health)

GOG (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH)

IQWIG (Institute for Health Quality and Efficiency in Health Care)

KCE(Belgian Federal Health Care Knowledge Centre)  

MSAC (Medical Services Advisory Committee)   

NCPHA (The National Center of Public Health and Analyses)

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)

NIPH (Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services) 

SBU (The Swedish Council of Health Technology Assessment in Health Care)

Sundhedsstyrelsen (Danish Health and Medicines Authority)

THL (Finnish National Institute for  Health and Wellfare)

TLV (The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency)

ZIN (National Health Care Institute)

Atnaujinimo data: 2023-09-11